Powder Pink | Bijoux, necklaces, bracelets, hats, Arezzo

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Bijoux & Sudore… story of a love, ALMOST impossible..💔

MA… i bijoux con il SUDORE ????

… Here we go Sweat! A famous commercial said, e never was more true!

Il SWEAT è produced by our sweat glands. Among the organic components present there are: various nitrogenous compounds (urea, creatinine, uric acid eammonia)e lactate.
Ammonia, in addition to being part of the composition of sweat fresh, is also produced by the bacteria that populate the skin surface. This gives an unpleasant odor to the sweat; in addition, various substances are also eliminated (drugs e non), including those in some foods.

The pH of the sweat è slightly acid, usually between 4 e 6,5. The presence of lactate it tends to acidify this liquid, while ammonia shifts the pH towards higher values.

So let's say the sweat not è, his friend of… metals.

But are there any sweat-resistant metals?!?!?!

-“But there are metals that are resistant to sweat ?!? ”-

Of course! As long as they are noble metals or alloys, or metals e treated base alloys (chrome plating, cryogenic salt spray treatment, rhodium plating, etc.) e that have a nice sacrificial anode, which dilutes the galvanic currents 😉
Now though, seeing that not è easy to wear a Jewelry as big as a boat's outboard motor (I.e.... what we can do to prevent our products from being damaged ?!

  • avoid wearing themi when we know that We will CERTAINLY sweat (when we train, go for a run, lie in the sun, etc ...)

  • when maybe we know we have a sweat with a particularly acidic PH


  • when we are in a warm place, perhaps under the direct sunlight in fact, we trigger a dangerous  PROCESS: sun = hot = sweating = ammonia = reaction with metals due to exposure to the sun
    E maybe we are also in a saline environment which dramatically increases wear

    No è a case that car manufacturers say that in case of transit in a street where è salt was poured, to prevent ice, the car should be washed as soon as possible.

    Because the saline environment è highly CORROSIVE !!!!

-“Ok, but how can I clean mine Jewelry?!? ”-

There are various ways e various strategies, which should be chosen based on the material mentioned è composed the Jewelry
- Jewelry in wood, plastic, glass, crystal glass, rope, pearl (synthetic e non) shell, pvc etc are the most durable e they do not require special care
If the Jewelry è already very oxidized e therefore it appears blackened, shock therapy is needed:

- put some toothpaste directly on the jewel e rub with a cloth, soft sponge or cotton wool makeup pad e throws. With another clean cloth or disk, proceed to remove all the toothpaste, possibly even moistening it with a little water.

Then put hot water in a bowl e a spoonful of baking soda e an aluminum foil cut into strips, the kind used in the kitchen to preserve food. First check that the water is still hot. Leave the jewelry to soak for about 5 minutes. If the Jewelry è very tarnished / dirty, the process can be repeated until the metal is perfectly bright again.

Finally rinse everything under running water

E put the Jewelry in a small container immersed in a specific product for metal, but obviously not aggressive.

Rinse again e il Jewelry will be back to shine !!!!

-" But not è returned clean ... "-
In this case, all the products are subjected to inevitable changes in temperature, water, perfumes e chemical agents in general e, undergo a normal oxidation process over time. Better to keep them wrapped in a clean cotton or felt cloth, they will be more sheltered from the oxygen contained in the air. THE Jewelrythey hate humidity e they must rest away from direct sunlight.

I Jewelry “Dipped in pink or yellow gold” undergo a galvanic bath, ie they are coated with a thin layer of pink or yellow gold using electric current. This current carries positively charged gold ions e it adheres to the metal of the jewelry which, on the other hand, has a negative charge. The result è which is deposited a uniform layer e thin on the object, coating it. This processing è performed by specialized companies. Being the thin layer, it can be easily erased or scratched.

I Jewelry that undergo a bath of pink or yellow gold, are more delicate than the others left rough, this is because the coating that gives them a particular color will tend to fade over time.

ONLY through the goldsmiths workshops, it will be possible to polish the products, as well as a new bath in pink or yellow gold, which will make them as good as new.

For any clarification please do not hesitate to contact us !!!

The Perny

(the Walter White of Rosa Cipria LAB)

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